The name is absent


The developments




these aims form a substantial

part of the research to be presented in the thesis but here attention

is drawn to the radical and substantial nature of the change. In
an important sense the Sussex scheme and the Alternative Course


a crucial

dimension of partnership - the necessity for

it to be able to develop and grow.

The change is


and cannot take place for one insti-

tution or set of participants and not the other. At least as crucial

is time to plan

to develop

to experiment and

to evaluate and none

of these stages should be omitted in

the professional haste to meet

imposed timetables.

The study of the Sussex scheme concluded with reference to signi-
ficant developments in the course after the period of the research.
Here they are referred to in relation to the Alternative Course
for it is likely that they refer to dimensions of change and develop-
ment that are a part of partnership.


emphasised the


the school-based

part of


scheme and this

is related to the finding

that the


in-service elements

the scheme did not


into being during

of the research. This points to a


aspect of funding

both to establish new modes of professional

practice and to suport

establishment and development. Awareness of the limitations

of any scheme that relies on the funding of only one of the partners


recent development in

Alternative Course practice

with regard


the Establishment of

Teacher-Tutor Scheme. With

no guarantee

continued satisfactory

funding its aims are suitably

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