the expectations of black kids so that they’re
all going to university the answer is no
although there are some black kids who go
to universities from School B but it’s not
really that it’s delivering in those sorts
of terms .
What sorts of terms
is it delivering?
B Hum
The test of that
the school
isn ’ t
that -
B Eng
It must be the
courses too.
The second form
they get on
uch better together
the black
and white kids - there’s no tense atmosphere
at all between - yet the V form I’m in, I
there was one
a black boy going
particular white boy and
to sit near him and he
said ’Don’t you sit near
just didn't like that
there is a more tense
me ’ - Now maybe he
particular boy but
feeling between the
races although there’s no
Inevitably the experience is not straightforward for it is made up
of observations that are contradictory. The questions change in
the direction of ’how far’ have changes gone and the process involves
themselves which
probably most important.
The next
extracts show the change in the discussion and demonstrate
how with a focus on actual concerns, behaviour and observation students
begin to
conceive of change.
School B and C 22.1.82
P13∕14 xi Pl⅛∕15 xii P15∕16 xiii
It’s not so much the content is it.
In some
ways just to present a Humanities Integrated
Studies or World Studies programme or whatever
in isolation from the way it’s going to be
taught - there's no point
cultural education in Integrated Studies
unless you're going to have the sort of methods
that say encourage mixed ability teaching.
in having
The two can't be separated even though the
actual techniques of teaching and the content
of the curriculum is what most people see
as a multi-racial education.