The name is absent


The research took as its focus the school group which was the
structure established within the Alternative Course» which would be
responsive to schools, to students and to the generality of PGCE
work. From there it moved to pedagogy and examined responsiveness
to the learning experience of students as central to the process
of PGCE work. Once close attention is paid to the nature of learning
then the place of that learning in the process of becoming a teacher
needs to be examined for professional learning and personal change
are inseparable and vital concerns of teacher education. Finally
and continually providing the dynamic was the concern with reflection
and with theorising.

These concerns were developed in the late 196θ,s and early 1970’s
by a group of staff whose experience covered all areas of PGCE work
in their own institution: . Staff had experience of method and

education work

curriculum and foundation options.

The course that


developed whilst


to exist uncomfortably

within those

as                              -

structures / institutionally organised undoubtedly

incorporated many of their features. The first chapter considers
those features as they exist in university PGCE courses. Knowledge
of these is essential for it provides the base line for any changes
pointing both to likely directions as well as barriers to change.

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