The name is absent


schools, to particular subject departments and with students able


plan their

in Institute courses in relation to their

developing concerns the major limitation is time. The research sug


that time was a vital

factor particularly the nature



of time in school and

in the Institute.

When the

balance is tipped by immersion in block teaching practice then the
tension which Lacey (1977) sees as inherent in professional socialis-

ation may be resolved for the students by rejection of the training
institution. That such rejection is a common feature of PGCE courses
should lead to fundamental questions about the efficacy of different

forms of practice.

Horizontal patterns of course organisation which

the Leicester


showed as prevalent

are associated with the location and

duration of courses

that make up the PGCE.

In some cases it may

only be





that persists throughout the PGCE


and where the teaching practice period is five days a week even

this is not the case. In the Alternative Course the school group

persists, meeting weekly in school throughout the year. This gives

continuity and makes possible a developmental and future orientated

aspect of the work which is important.

The role of the university tutor

The school group tutor has the responsibility for integrating the

school and training institution and

for enabling the group to

to terms with the PGCE as a whole.

This does not simply mean that






the students learning in every

area of the course - subject method, education

foundation and curri-

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