The name is absent


quite beyond

the power of training institutions. The future whicl

is envisaged

is one where partnership must partake less of goodwill

and more of

statutory obligations and rights. What is referred tc

here developed from goodwill and concern but any advance

was anc

had to be predicated on the knowledge that any requests may


imposition and therefore cannot be lightly



Leicester findings discussed in

Chapter One underline

the problem

for there despite most students

being allocated to a

teacher with


responsibility for

students the central


university tutor in the school remained unchanged. The

Sussex Scheme

despite financial provision and negotiated school and local Author-

ity arrangements still found that the part of the scheme which

anticipated teachers working alongside university tutors and students
at the training institute failed to develop. Both indicate the very
real difficulties that stand in the way of change. Within the Insti-

tute the visiting

tutor scheme pre-dated the Alternative

Course and

was located within

subject method

departments .

The tutors were chose

because of their expertise in relation to subject.

The scheme

operated and operates very differently between and even within depart

ments over time related both to the

practice in the method department

and the possibility that particular schools have to release staff

to work with students in school or in the Institute. Within the

Alternative Course once the students were regularly in school the
group required a teacher tutor who could also relatet to their non-
subject specific concerns and who could locate them more widely iɪ
the development of the school. Beginning from the appointment ol
visiting tutors who were clearly involved in the group’s non-subjec
work various forms of relationship evolved which suited the particulc
school, visiting tutor and the group. The inadequacy of the singl∣

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