London had the smallest proportion of those in their
very early 20’s and along with
Wales and the
of students older than 21 years.
the University of
highest proportion
(1982 P30)
Taken together these findings on recruitment suggest that the starting
for professional training along with
of variables
that are likely to
for the attitudes and
of teachers differ both between institutions and within them according
to subject method department. If such factors go unquestioned,
unoticed or unprovided for in the PGCE year then initial teacher
education in many university departments may take place within an
unexplicated class and educational homogeneity.
It is against factors
such as this that the claims for diversity should be seen.
Given the findings on recruitment it is not surprising that career
choice shows a clear association with previous educational experiences.
There was
association between having been
to an independent school and wishing to start teaching
in an independent school.
same kind of
relationship pertained in further education.
As the researchers
of those willing to
through the year
note in discussing the
teach in a comprehensive
increase in proportion
school from 40% - 56.2%
..... it is difficult to be certain whether this
change represents a particular enthusiasm for
comprehensive education or a more informed and
realistic view of the teacher labour market by the
end of the PGCE year. (1982 P155)
Since amongst those who had jobs at the end of the year only 4.8%
were in grammar schools compared with 7θ% in Comprehensives, the
It may be reasonable
labour market would appear to be influential.