The name is absent


When we began the Alternative Course we were well
aware of the ’theoretical’ strengths of the Institute.

We were equally and more painfully aware that in




strengths ,




the so-called disciplines or subject method depart-
ments, did not guarantee their productive relation
with practice - and this we felt to be equally the
case applied to ourselves, our students, or schools
more generally. (Jones 1981 P21)

Staff were familiar with the departmentally patterned response


students developed both to theory and to practical experience. It

is likely that

to a significant extent they

remained unaware of the

extent to which they themselves worked within the patterning of these

accommodations .

Indeed it is probably the

case that the PGCE itself

contributes both to the nature and to the style of the accommodations

and that they become an expected feature of its reality. The research

on the Alternative Course pointed to the persistence of this feature

particularly in the subject method work. But the school group itself

created a space

where both university tutors

and students and some


and teacher-tutors had to confront the very real

differences between them, their ideas and their institutions.

A further ai

of the course was "to develop a working relationship

between the schools and the Institute” (Jones 1981 P6) but from

the outset hopes for harmony have

had to be balanced with the reality

in which this had to be worked for.

The following extract refers

to this reality.

At the outset we
status of teacher


make the point

that the

education is not high in schools

and whilst a most undesirable fact of life for

teacher education, this is a mixed blessing for any


be any worse
the capacity

Welcomes along the


’It can't

' or downright cynicism about

of any innovation to solve the problems

are probably as common as is ready acceptance of
co-partnership in an ongoing enterprise. The

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