Discourse Patterns in First Language Use at Hcme and Second Language Learning at School: an Ethnographic Approach

Interpretation I 153

5.5 The exchange of Information and explanation

5.5.1 Home conversations

Requests for Information and Explanation account fair 51% of all adults'
requests to children, (see Annex 5.4). Adults enquire mostly about events
outside the context of present action and time, and this is possibly
linked to the role of children as *reporters' (see page 132); the (few)
explanations requested are justifications of human behaviour rather than
explanations of phenomena per se. (see Table 5.9).

Table 5.9

Adults' Requests for Information and Explanation in CS

Function of Utterance                           Io.          %

Seek information on

'here and now' events



Seek information on

past, future, distant events



Seek explanation of




Seek explanation of

phenomena (generalization)



Totals                                           510        100.0

The great majority (71.5%) of them are in single—utterance turns, few
(9.6%) are accompanied by an explanation and some (18.8%) by another
utterance. Xost of these requests (62.2%) are in Confirmation Moves and
some (15.2%) are in Moves initiating a unit or a conversation (see Annex
5.8). Almost all are in interrogative form, and are mainly open questions.

More intriguing information

1. The name is absent
2. Party Groups and Policy Positions in the European Parliament
3. Wirtschaftslage und Reformprozesse in Estland, Lettland, und Litauen: Bericht 2001
4. Unemployment in an Interdependent World
5. The name is absent
6. The name is absent
7. Evolving robust and specialized car racing skills
8. Tissue Tracking Imaging for Identifying the Origin of Idiopathic Ventricular Arrhythmias: A New Role of Cardiac Ultrasound in Electrophysiology
9. The name is absent
10. Julkinen T&K-rahoitus ja sen vaikutus yrityksiin - Analyysi metalli- ja elektroniikkateollisuudesta
11. Two-Part Tax Controls for Forest Density and Rotation Time
12. What should educational research do, and how should it do it? A response to “Will a clinical approach make educational research more relevant to practice” by Jacquelien Bulterman-Bos
13. A parametric approach to the estimation of cointegration vectors in panel data
14. Wage mobility, Job mobility and Spatial mobility in the Portuguese economy
15. Target Acquisition in Multiscale Electronic Worlds
16. Constructing the Phylomemetic Tree Case of Study: Indonesian Tradition-Inspired Buildings
17. An alternative way to model merit good arguments
18. 101 Proposals to reform the Stability and Growth Pact. Why so many? A Survey
19. The Role of State Trading Enterprises and Their Impact on Agricultural Development and Economic Growth in Developing Countries
20. The name is absent