Scheme, but the grants awarded are very small.
The scholarship schemes offered by Frank Anthony have been
described as ludicrous. One scholarship student stated
that the money was equivalent to a seat in a cinema house,
and he used the amount to watch a movie. Another
Anglo-Indian man described the amount he received while he
was at school as
... not enough to keep me in toothpaste for a
year. (26)
The rhetoric about the generous scholarships is impressive;
the reality is that the award is practically worthless. As
a result, Anthony states that the Frank Anthony Schools'
Scheme is the greatest hostage that the community has given
to education in India. (27)
The educational inaction, of which the scholarship scheme
is indicative, had been identified and perceived by Anglo-
Indians who were interviewed in Britain in 1987, and Anglo-
Indians in India during the field study in 1990. This
inactive policy was also identified by Indian social
scientists and Indian educationists during the field study
in 1990. (28)
The policy makers since the 1950s have thus created a
curriculum through which social values are not prioritised
and allocated to Anglo-Indians, but exist for Indian
students. In other words, the mechanisms of selection for
further and higher education act against Anglo-Indians.
The language policy for Jknglo-Indian students ensures that
Anglo-Indians fail to pass Indian language examinations and
drop out of school. The curriculum and educational
policies work for the Indian students, but do not work for
Anglo-Indian students. Consequently, Anglo-Indians shun