The name is absent


Albert Barrow organized an education service
to produce and reward measured, examinable
attainments in India for Anglo-Indian schools.
I salute an extraordinary educationist.

Despite these efforts by Barrow to Indianise the schools,
the real change was only made possible by the publication
of the Kothari Commission's Report, 1964-1966. This was
the seventh commission in the history of Indian education
and has been the most influential document in Indian
education and is discussed in the next section.

3.3. The Educational Policies of the Indian Government and
their impact on Anglo-Indian Education: The Kothari
Commission (1964-1966)

The Kothari Commission's Report was visionary. Anglo-
Indian schools with their Christian ethos and English
language as the medium of instruction, received recognition
in the Report. It stressed the integration of the Anglo-
Indian community with the majority Indians.

The Kothari Commission set out to standardise the years of
schooling across India. Their recommendations on this
became known as the Arithmetic Formula in Indian Education.
This means, ten years of primary and secondary schooling,
two years of further education and three years of higher
education. (39)

The three languages which had to be taught in all Indian
schools, and this included the Anglo-Indian schools, were:
(1) The mother tongue or the regional language.

(2) The Official language of the Union, which is
Hindi .

(3) A modern Indian or European language which is not


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