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enabling Anglo-Indians to integrate with other Indians must
be clearly defined policies in Anglo-Indian schools.

The 1988 report does not represent a retreat from the
essential principles of vocational preparation. Work
experience during the Primary stage is twenty per cent of
time. During the upper Primary stage it is reduced to
twelve per cent and increased by one percent in the
Secondary stage to thirteen per cent.

Anglo-Indian schools must define the needs of Anglo-Indians
in vocational education, but not at the price of academic
education. Implicit in the 1988 report is the nature of
guidance. Guidance is a process. (53)

Guidance can take place:

- at or before entry;

- at induction;

- throughout the student's work experience programme;

- at or before exit from the vocational or
academic programme of education in the school.

Therefore, schools have a responsibility to ensure that
Anglo-Indian students are competent bilinguals in English
and an Indian language.

The Indian Government sought to make education an effective
instrument for securing equality for women and minority
groups and the government felt it was essential to give a
work and employment orientation to education. This had
direct implications for minority Anglo-Indian students, who
were failing at school and possessed little or no
marketable skills. (54)

In 1990, the Indian Government headed by Shri V.P. Singh
stated that the highest priority would be given to
education. The Indian Government was concerned about the


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