The name is absent

What is required is a 'task culture' association for
Anglo-Indians. The shape is a net; like the fisherman's
net it gathers and keeps its fish. The web culture
attracts an individual or a group but there is no way out
except in self-destruction. The present web culture
demands loyalty to a single person, whereas the net shape
of the task culture relies on the power and influence at
the knots in the net, that is the various committees and
sub-committees . A task culture

... utilizes the unifying power of the group
to improve efficiency and to identify the
individual with the objective of the
organization. (69)

The Anglo-Indian community in India has been aware of an
involuted hierarchy, where decision-making is always taken
out of the committee or association and made elsewhere. In
Anglo-Indian associations, membership of a committee was an
important position to aspire to. Nevertheless, equality of
status in a state association or committee was by no means
commensurate with equality of access to the main, powerful
All-India Anglo-Indian Association with its headquarters in
New Delhi. The Association's members are nominated by the
President of India as Members of Parliament.

There has not been a great deal of interaction between the
various associations and therefore there is no
equalisation of resources and power. Anglo-Indian
associations suffer from what is known as pseudo
participation. (70) The associations participate in
education by administering or managing their own schools.

Each group of schools is isolated from another group. Thus
this structure of pseudo participatory decision-making
poses problems for accountability to the minority
community. The associations are only aware of their own
membership. The size of the community therefore is


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