Thus Anglo-Indians "lost" their political identity.
Although, Anglo-Indians are a racial minority, there are
not even minimal scientific standards for classification in
racial groups in the Indian Census. Physical
anthropologists and geneticists treat race as technically
a biological concept. The Jknglo-IndianzS racial
characteristics (European and Indian) are ignored and
Anglo-Indians are
... Illogically classified according to their
which is Christianity. (11)
This Census classification has political consequences for
the Anglo-Indians, because while the Anglo-Indians have a
Constitutional right for representation in the Indian
Parliament Indian Christians do not. Two Anglo-Indians
continue to be nominated as Members of Parliament thus
offering the Anglo-Indian community a political voice.
The Official Parliamentary Publication shows the different
parties, with the Anglo-Indians shown as Nos. 544 and 545
unattached to any Party. The minority status protects
Anglo-Indian schools. Anglo-Indian benefit from this
protection. Their rights as a racial, linguistic and
religious minority community is linked to the Anglo-Indian
schools. This has implications for curriculum control in
the areas of language and religious education in Anglo-
Indian schools.
The schools must and should continue to be
managed by Anglo-Indians. (12)
Significantly, in 1976 a Madras High Court Judge ruled
that an Anglo-Indian was not an Indian Christian. This is
an important judgement. Indian Christians and