The name is absent

4. The need to link language education with vocational and
technical education. Pre-vocational compensatory education
was being offered to language-handicapped Anglo-Indians,
but these

. . . vocational skills were being offered at
the price of failure to pass Indian language
examinations. (20)

The schools needed to create a learning environment to
motivate Anglo-Indians, because a successful language
curriculum would help to defuse the helpless anger and
frustration experienced by Anglo-Indian drop outs.

The next section describes the interviews held with
Anglo-Indian and Indian students in Anglo-Indian schools.
Interviews with students were conducted in Maharashtra,
Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal and Meghalaya.
Interviews were not conducted in Kerala, because the
schools were on strike. In Haryana, it was Indian
Independence Day, a public holiday. In the Union Territory
of Delhi, the Principal of the Anglo-Indian school made no
response to the research.

2.3. The focused interview with Anglo-Indian and non
Anglo-Indian students

Thirty-two group interviews with students were conducted.
The interviews took place either in dormitories, study
areas, school halls, lecture theatres or classrooms.

These areas were in Anglo-Indian day and residential
schools, colleges of further education, vocational and
technical schools and one Indian University. The interview
was divided into two sections demanding verbal and written
skills, in English and an Indian language. (21) Twenty
six interviews were conducted outside school hours. There


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