psychological foundation, the teachers were facilitators.
During the classroom observation, the successful learning
environments were classes in which students were offered
opportunities to select areas in the curriculum in which
they showed interest and expertise. The combined arts
class, the self-defence class and the nature study ramble
were positive learning environments.
3.5.2. Rousseau: The right environment and guidance will
help children to learn
Rousseau (30) concentrated the student's attention on those
matters in which he∕she may be expected to show interest
and knowledge. In creating the theory-practice model, the
researcher turned reflexively on the classrooms which were
favoured learning environments for Anglo-Indians. The
enduring lesson is that the child does need the right
environment and does need guidance in order to learn.
During the successful classroom observations, Anglo-Indian
children enjoyed practical activities and displayed skills
in Indian languages and an understanding of Indian culture.
3.5.3. Pestalozzi: Practical skill and theoretical
knowledge based on observation
The researcher observed classroom teaching. Children
successfully discovered practical skills and found
theoretical knowledge in just three favoured learning
environments. In these three classes, small group learning
was encouraged, in which the tone was not that of learners,
but in which children
... wished, tried, persevered, succeeded and
they laughed. (31)