(46) Caldwell, B.J. and Spinks, J.M. (1988) The
Self-managing School London: The Falmer Press (p.166)
The Collaborative School Management Cycle (CSMC) was
created by Rosebery District High School on the west
coast of Tasmania, and was evolved at Rosebery over a
number of years, commencing in 1977. This made it the
first school in Australia to have implemented such a
dynamic, democratic approach to management.
(47) Baier, K. (1971) op. Cit., (p.101)
(48) Baier, K. (1971) op. cit., (p.101)
(49) Rogers, C.R. (1977) op. cit. , (p.104)
(50) Rubin, D.L. (1986) 'Nobody Play by the Rules he
know: Ethnocentric Interference in Classroom Questioning
Events' IN: Y.Y.Kim (ed.) Interethnic Communication:
Current Research International and Intercultural
Communication annual Vol. X London: SAGE (p.160)
(51) Paterson, C.H. (1977) Foundations for a Theory of
Instiruction and Educational Psychology New York: Harper
& Row (p.301) Paterson also claims that the
"transmission of the culture is the first requirement for
survival" (p.237) and this transmission for the
Anglo-Indian child takes place not only in his/her home
but in the Anglo-Indian school. Therefore, the home and
the school should promote bilingualism, and Anglo-Indian
children should be encouraged to read books in both
English and an Indian language from early childhood.
(52) Piaget, J. (1972) op. cit., (p.117).
(53) Cunningham, C., Perry, G., and Walder, D. (1986) op.
cit., (p.5)
(54) Rubin, D.L. (1986) op. cit., (p.160)
(55) Caldwell, B.J. and Spinks, J.M. (1988) op. cit.,