theologian. He said,
Anglo-Indians cannot cope with the Indian
languages, and many dropout at High School
level. They are disinclined, lack ambition
and say that the "past was always better."
English does not get them jobs, but learning
Hindi and the Regional Language will enable
them to compete in the job market.
IQQ Goan man 40-50 Christian Bombay 2 6 July
He was the Jesuit Principal of an Jknglo-Indian school.
He was an intellectual. He made some extremely
perceptive observations about the Anglo-Indian community.
He said,
Underachievement? Yes, I think they
underachieve, and it is possibly because the
significant Anglo-Indians are not in India,
to offer a role model. After all people like
yourself left the country! The Anglo-Indians
in India are not in touch with the present,
they belong to a "social old age",
nostalgia, the hand out mentality syndrome
persists, and they have become victims of
their own volition.
This respondent was the only educationist who discussed
the subject of accountability and appraisal. He was well
aware that,
... evaluation, although, a well-established
and accepted activity within education in the
West, was treated with a mixture of
hostility, scepticism and caution in
Anglo-Indian schools.
101 East-Indian woman 50-60 Christian Bombay 28 July
She was a teacher in the same Jesuit Anglo-Indian school
of which No.100 was the Principal. She said,
The Anglo-Indian schools run by the Religious
Orders are "cleric ridden". There should be
opportunities given to the laity to become
administrators. The schools wield influence,
but there are no equal opportunities given to
the laity, leave alone a woman teaching in a
boys' school---she will never rise to Deputy
Principal. Women teachers in Anglo-Indian
schools which are owned by Religious Orders
have not been treated as collaborators in
education, unless of course they are members
of the Religious Order!
102______Jknqlo-Indian man 50-60 Christian Bombay 25 July
He was the Principal of an Jknglo-Indian school. He said,
Part-Freeships are offered according to
earning ability. Anglo-Indians hardly come
to this Anglo-Indian school. It can be a