He was a teacher, and stated that the
... present Anglo-Indian school system is
geared to their (Anglo-Indian) advantage, but
unfortunately Anglo-Indians fail in the
schools. They fail because we have ignored
the issue of language. We are satisfied with
the results of the non Anglo-Indians. It is
very necessary to discuss the number issue in
the community, because this is contentious.
We do not always acknowledge our own. I
would like to know what conclusion you will
draw from the answers to the question.
160 Anglo-Indian woman 50-60 Christian Calcutta 14
She was a voluntary social worker in the community, and
stated that the educational policies in the schools
... with its accent on economic status, make
the Anglo-Indians appear to be
under-achievers, because they are poor. I
think they are poor because they have no
qualifications, simply because they fail the
Indian languages in the schools and drop out
of school. I am glad someone has thought of
asking these questions and finding out why
Anglo-Indians fail in our own schools and
what can be done about it!
161 Irish woman 50-60 Christian Calcutta 13 August
She was a member of the Loreto Order of nuns. She was a
qualified teacher, and stated that the issue of language
and religion was a very important one to consider for the
community, because
... they fail in the Indian languages, and
religious education has to be completed
outside school hours. Therefore, they are
being deprived of two areas in the curriculum
which would enable them to integrate with
Indian society. We have not thought this one
through for a long time now, simply because
it is a very sensitive issue. I await your
162 Irish woman 60-70 Christian Calcutta 14 August
She was a teacher and a member of the Loreto Order of
nuns. She stated that the schools had made provision for
the poor Anglo-Indians, and that many poor families
receive "freeships" in the Anglo-Indian schools run by
the Order. She did agree however, that the community
faced a
... shortage of professionals, and they are
always wanting to leave India. I really
think they must make a commitment, just like
I suppose I have made a decision to live and
work in India until the end of my life. I
think the community feels extremely insecure.