... English climate would not be agreeable to
children of native women because, the children
would display vicious dispositions they had
inherited, if they were to continue their
education in Britain. (34)
2. The impoverishment of the Anglo-Indians
At the same time, many Anglo-Indians were discharged from
the East India Company's service, and their only
alternative was to offer their services to the Nizam of
Hyderabad, the Sultan of Mysore, the Maharatta chiefs
Sindhia and Holkar and the Nawab of Oudh. Hyder Hearsay
and James Skinner, both Anglo-Indians who were denied
employment elsewhere, raised their own cavalry and infantry
regiments. Out of adversity came some of the most
adventurous and dashing heroes in Anglo-Indian history.
3. Racial prejudice and distrust towards the Anglo-Indians
The English became very anxious because of the Haiti Revolt
by the mulatto (mixed parentage) community, and the
distrust became immediately linked to the Anglo-Indian in
India. Between 1802-1806, the prominent English traveller
and politician, Viscount ValentiazS distrust of the Haitian
mulatto prejudiced him about the Anglo-Indian community.
He became very concerned about the
... half-caste children who were becoming an
accumulating evil in Bengal. (36)
In 1795, with Haiti still in mind, another repressive order
was passed by the East India Company. The order stated
that no son born of an Indian or not descended on both
sides from European parents was to be allowed in the
commissioned ranks of the European Army and the Native
Sepoy Army. The latter was also officered by Europeans.