The name is absent

which they lacked and being members of a mixed-race
reflected the uneven development of the Anglo-Indian
community in the eighteenth century.

This chapter explored the progress and development of
Anglo-Indian Education until the repressive policies of the
late eighteenth century. At that time, the Anglo-Indian
community was becoming aware of its own identity as a
minority community. The adverse conditions brought out all
the determination in the community to stand up and be
counted. The harsh repression and severe penalties for
disloyalty, coalesced the community, and made the community
aware of its size and ethnicity.

The salient characteristics of disadvantage appeared at the
end of the eighteenth century. The ethnicity which is
linked to the size of the community accounted for the harsh
repressive educational policies towards the Anglo-Indians.
Under these conditions social changes took place which were
responsible for creating the stereotype of the landless,
ill-educated Anglo-Indian turncoat.

By the end of the eighteenth century a pattern of social
relationships shaped the lives of Anglo-Indians.
Inequality, repression, and forms of domination
substantially altered the socio-economic system in the
community. Even with accepting a vision of themselves as
a community, the reproduction of a subordinate
consciousness entered their assessment of themselves as a

The chapter argued that the repressive policies transformed
the community. The policies established a negative pattern
of class relationships, power and privilege between Anglo-
Indians, the Indians and the English by the end of the
eighteenth century.


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