A Critical Examination of the Beliefs about Learning a Foreign Language at Primary School

Council recently published guidance on 'Helping Chidren to Talk" ('Help for late
talkers', TES, May 16,1996).

These differences in receptivity for nstruction would mean that 'universals'
amongst children cannot simply be assumed. An early foreign language
programme would have to take into account that there will be a number of
children who will not, for Whatever reasons, [just naturally pick up the sound
system ofthe target language because they are biologically equipped to do so.
These children will have to be taught how to 'think with the ears' as suggested
by Hawkins (1981:229) based on the work by Furth and Wachswho developed
a series Crfdiscovery Irstenng games with the intention 'to develop the child's
ability to focus attention on and deπve information from auditory stimuli' (cited in
Hawkins, 1981: 231). Hawkins recommended that the 'education ofthe ear,
should be one of the aims for primary school language education. On the
Continent much valuable preparatory work is done in nurseιes and
kndergartens where first language listening skills tend to be actively and
Systematicallydeveloped before children start formal school ng.

4.3.3 Attention Spans

People usually, though ndtonly, Ieam those things to Whichthey pay attention.
The ability to notice, the ability to pay attention and concentrate over a period of
time play a key role in learning a foreign language in the classroom where
teach ng and learning time is limited and often Veryconcentrated. Schmidt
states that:


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