A Critical Examination of the Beliefs about Learning a Foreign Language at Primary School

gave to each of the questions in Appendix F where findings are presented
separately for boys and girls in order to identify any potentially significant
differences in answers. The original spellings found on the questionnaires were
maintained as far as these were legible. No special 'categories' were created
for the interpretation of the data and the responses given by children were
summarised and discussed under headings Similarto the questions posed on
the questionnaire: 'enthusiasm', 'is French easy', 'listening to French', 'speaking
in French', 'reading in French', 'writing in French', 'homework', 'the things
children liked most', the things children liked least’, 'things they thought they
had learned', 'finding out about French speaking people and countries where
French is spoken', 'learning French at secondary school' and 'language choice'.
Responses to the question whether they enjoyed learning French and whether
they would like to Ieam more French were incorporated under the heading of
'enthusiasm'. Responses to 'the things you would like to be able to do or say in
French' were included under 'finding out about French speaking people and
countries where French is spoken'.

As in School One, to arrive at a better understanding of what individual children
might be like, of their needs and interests and of their strengths and
weaknesses, profiles of children were then constructed based on the answers
given on their questionnaire. The following pages will focus on the analysis of
the data gathered through the questionnaire and then present the profiles of
individual children before findings from Chapter Five and Chapter Six will be


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