responses to writing in French. Some clearly saw the value Ofwriting and
enjoyed the activity while others struggled for both cognitive and affective
reasons. The comments made by individual children would seem to question
both the desirability and necessity of an approach based on speaking and
listening skills only while at the same time reinforce the importance of a gradual
introduction Ofwriting skills.
6.5.7 Homework
A number of children thought that homework was important in supporting their
progress. They thought that they would learn more, that homework teaches
them 'things' and that it was 'easy and fun'. One boy thought that homework
was 'good for your aggression'! Some children thought that homework was
hard, some said they found it hard without help at home and one girl said that
homework was sometimes hard when she did not understand 'what was going
on in class'. Unsurprisingly, homework was also thought of by some as taking
up time that could be better spent doing other things. It would not seem
unreasonable to assume that in a context where teaching and learning time are
limited those children who recognise the value of homework and 'extra' work
might be in a better 'starting' position.
6.5.8 The Things Children Liked Most
In analysing the responses to the questionnaires it was not always easy to
disentangle children's responses in terms of what they said they found easy or
difficult and what they said they liked and disliked. Understandably, children