easy but does not like speaking in front of the class. She believes herself to be
very shy and feels embarrassed when she does not remember something.
Kizianne would have liked to do more reading and writing to improve. She finds
the tape recorder difficult and worries about not understanding everything on
the tape. She seems very happy with learning French and says she would like
to be able to 'talk fluently and understand'. Kizianne is one of the girls who took
down notes during lesson time either from the chalk board or on what the
teacher said.
Zina is a high ability girl who speaks English and 'Patois'. She is enthusiastic
and enjoys French and would like to go to France. She says she finds speaking
French easy and she remembers words easily as they are 'not much different to
my own language'. She says she finds pronouncing some numbers difficult as
she did not understand the teacher. She does not find reading easy and finds
the tape re∞rder difficult but enjoyable. She also likes games and writing. Zina
is happy to learn French 'as it is easier than other languages'. However, she
also thinks she is 'not very good' and says that she 'would like to speak French
Rachel is a high ability girl who speaks English and says she also speaks
'Ghanian'. Rachel says she does not enjoy learning French and that it is hard
and difficult. She says she finds it hard to pronounce new words and feels that