BP: You find it difficult do you
G: Yeah, sometimes
BP: Which bits do you find most difficult
G: When the tape's on cause it talks a little bit too fast
BP: A lot of people find that difficult...so you find the tape a bit difficult, what else do
you find difficult
G: When sometimes the teacher asks questions and like we don't know what it means
BP: In French
G: Yeah
BP: Do you prefer it when she explains in English
G: Yeah
BP: It's a bit easier isn' it
G: Yeah
BP: What about worksheets do you like those
G: Yeah
BP: Yeah, are they good fun
G: Yeah and games
BP: What about working in pairs or in groups
G: That's alright yeah
BP: Do you prefer that or do you rather work on your own
G: In groups
BP: You prefer that, why do you like that better
G: Like, like and then you can help each other and making it XX
BP: XX find that a bit difficult
G: In front of everybody
BP: Mmh
G: I find that a bit difficult
BP: Do you mind making a mistake then do you
G: Sometimes
BP: I do as well, some people don't mind, some people mind. When you think you
know something do you put your hand up or
G: Yeah, we put our hand up when we know something like when she asks us what's
this and then out of the drinks we don’t like xx cafe xx ∞ca
BP: So you're happy with most of it are you
G: Yeah