A Critical Examination of the Beliefs about Learning a Foreign Language at Primary School

Finally a boy suggests 'masculine' and 'feminine'

I ask him how he knew the ∞ncepts. He tells me he speaks Kurdish at home,
English is his second language and he goes to Chinese lessons on a Saturday.
He also tells me that he has a French dictionary at home which he studies
regularly and that he 'listens a lot' in lessons.

Lesson Five

Teacher asks around class: 'Comment t'appelles-tu?'

The penny seems to have dropped at last

Pupils introduce each other: 'll∕Elle s'appelle...'

Most get it right

Teacher:' Who can ask another question?'

Pupil: 'Quel age a-t-elle?'

Pupil answers: 'Elle a 10 ans'

Teacher asks: 'Quel age as-tu?'

One pupil asks: 'Do you mean where I live?'

Another girl offers: 'Elle a j'ai 10 ans,

Teacher: 'Ou habites-tu?

Pupil: 'J'habite a ...'

Teacher asks: 'Ou habit-elle?'

No answers come forward

Teacher uses native speaker to model both questions and answers again

Many get confused between il∕elle aga n

Teacher moves on to revising animals with flashcards: 'Qu'est-ce que c'est?'
Plenty of hands up but few actually remember.

Choral repetition of all the animals

Teacher moves on to cassette work and last week's worksheet

Pupils need to recognise the animal spoken about. Most get something right.

Lesson Six

Teacher revises: 'Comment t'appelles-tu?'

Pupils answer and pass the question around the class


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