become a reality
Ga was very aware of the wrong and the right approaches because she has tried both and
she knows now
Ga: Before I didn’t try out difficult tasks. But now, I force myself. It is not possible
to go on with my simple sentences. I have to make the effort. Little things don’t satisfy
me anymore.
S knows that there are different approaches but he is still looking for the one that is most
suitable for him
S: There are infinite ways to Ieam a language, the key is to know which is the
best for me
E knows what would work for her but she has not tried it yet
E: I am aware of what I need but I haven’t tried to cope with it yet
A knows what does not work for him but at the same time, he does not know what will
work for him.
A: Some materials make me bored because they just repeat what I already know.
I waste my energy repeating the same things.. .My objectives are very general....
I know my problems but I don’t know how to cope with them... .1 need guidance.
g) Self-evaluation and the identification of barriers
In the case of Ge, he defined his problem using a metaphor:
Ge: “I don’t know” means I don’t know how to use what I know. I know
the recipe for the cake but I haven’t made it.
And then he elaborates on it:
Ge: I feel that I learn, vocabulary and other things, but I can’t express
myself. When I am on my own, I think in English, I speak in English, but with
someone, I can’t. My mind goes blank
His explanation also includes his awareness about the cause of his problems:
Ge: I can’t speak. It isn’t easy. Sometimes I believe that I can but at the very
moment I want to speak I get stuck. My own worries make me get stuck.