Inference condition performed significantly better on the inference task than the children in
the Definition (Mann-Whitney: Z=3.1, p<.005) and Analogy conditions (Mann-Whitney:
Z=3.3, p<.005). Furthermore, there was a trend for the children in the Inference condition to
perform better than the children in the Lexical contrast condition. No significant differences
between the other groups were found. During the delayed post test the same pattern as before
was found, however the differences were not significant. Linguistic condition differences
within each age group were also investigated. The same pattern was found within each age
group, however the differences were not significant.

To what extent does children ,s success on the Inference task change between the immediate
and delayed post test ?

There was a trend for the children to perform better during the delayed than the immediate
post test. Comparison of children’s performance between the two post tests within each age
group revealed the same pattern. However, the differences were not significant. Lastly,
whether the same pattern was evident within each linguistic condition was investigated. The
analysis revealed the same pattern. Significant differences were found in the Definition
(Wilcoxon: Z=2.2, p<.05) and Analogy condition (Wilcoxon: Z=2.1, p<.05).

To what extent does children ,s performance on the inference task differ by their existing

Children with high existing vocabulary performed better than children with low existing
vocabulary knowledge for both post tests (see Table in Appendix 5.9). The differences tended
towards significance during the immediate post test, while significant differences were found
during the delayed post test (Mann-Whitney: Z=3.2, p<.005).

Whether the same pattern was evident within each age group was also investigated. The
same pattern was found within each age group. Significant differences were found for the 4
year- olds during the delayed post test (Mann-Whitney: Z=2.2, p<.05), the 5 year-olds during
the immediate post test (Mann-Whitney, Z=2.3, p<.05) and the 6 year-olds during the delayed
post test (Mann-Whitney: Z=3.05, p<.005). Furthermore, whether the same pattern was
evident within each linguistic condition was also investigated. The same pattern was found
within each linguistic condition. Significant differences were found for the Lexical contrast
condition during the delayed post test (Mann-Whitney: Z=2.08, p<.05).


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