Linguistic condition differences within each age group were also investigated. The same
pattern was found within each age group. Significant differences were found for the 4 year-
olds (immediate: Kruskal-Wallis, 1 Way ANOVA: Z=19.2, df=3, p<.0005), the 5 year-olds
(immediate: Kruskall-Wallis, 1 Way ANOVA: X2= 24.9, df=3, p<.0000; delayed: Kruskall-
Wallis, 1 Way ANOVA: X2= 21.7, df=3, p<.0005) and the 6 year-olds (immediate: Kruskall-
Wallis, 1 Way ANOVA: X2= 30.1 df=3, p<.0000; delayed: Kruskall-Wallis, 1 Way ANOVA:
X2= 22.5, df=3, p<.0005).

Post hoc analysis of the 4 year-olds responses demonstrated that the 4 year-olds in the
Analogy condition performed significantly better than the 4 year-olds in the Inference
(immediate: Mann-Whitney: Z=2.9, p<.005; delayed: Mann-Whitney: Z=2.1, p<.05), the
Definition (immediate: Mann-Whitney: Z=2.4, p<.05) and Lexical contrast conditions
(immediate: Mann-Whitney: Z=2.9, p<.005). The same pattern was found for the 5 year-olds.
The 5 year-olds in the Analogy condition performed significantly better than the 5 year-olds
in the Inference (immediate: Mann-Whitney: Z=2.8, p<.005; delayed: Mann-Whitney:
Z=3.08, p<.005), Definition (immediate: Mann-Whitney: Z=3.6, p<.0005; delayed: Mann-
Whitney: Z=3.5, p<.0005) and Lexical contrast conditions (immediate: Mann-Whitney:
Z=4.2, p<.0000; delayed: Mann-Whitney: Z=3.6, p<.0005). Lastly, the 5 year-olds in the
Inference condition performed significantly better than the 5 year-olds in the Lexical contrast
condition (immediate: Mann-Whitney: Z=2.1, p<.05).

The same pattern was evident for the 6 year-olds. The 6 year-olds in the Analogy condition
performed significantly better than the 6 year-olds in the Inference, (immediate: Mann-
Whitney:Z=4.7, p<OOOO;delayed: Mann-Whitney: Z=4.04, p<.0005), Definition (immediate:
Mann-Whitney: Z=4.3, p<.005; delayed: Mann-Whitney: Z=3.6, p<.05) and Lexical contrast
conditions (Immediate: Mann-Whitney: Z=4.02, p<.0005; Delayed: Mann-Whitney: Z=3.3,

To what extent does children ,s success in the analogy task change between the immediate
and delayed post test ?

In the immediate post test children provided 48.9% correct responses, while in the delayed
post test they provided 43.2% correct responses. Statistical analysis revealed no significant
differences between the two post tests. Comparison of children’s performance between the


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