Table 5.18 Children’s responses on the sentence |
generation task for both post tests | ||||
Immediate post test_____ |
_____Delayed post test_____________ | ||||
% |
_______n_______ |
O/ |
n____________ | ||
Don’t know Idiosyncratic properties Perceptual properties Functional properties Semantic properties______ |
33.3 6 10.9 41.7 8.1 |
128 23 42 160 31 |
27.1 6.3 8.8 53.4 4.4 |
104 24 34 205 17_____________ | |
N of responses___________ |
384____________ |
384 |
Children’s given sentences were mainly focused on the ‘functional properties'” of the items
for both post tests. Statistical analysis revealed that the children provided significantly more
“functional” than “perceptual” (Immediate; Wilcoxon; Z=6.7, p<.0000; delayed: Wilcoxon:
Z=4.9, p<.0000) and “semantic” properties (immediate: Wilcoxon: Z=7.3, p<.' ,'00; delayed:
Z=9.08, p<.0000). Focus on “perceptual” properties was another popular choice for both post
tests. Significant differences were found during the delayed post test, where they provided
significantly more “perceptual” than “semantic” properties (Wilcoxon: Z=8.09, p<.0000).
Lastly, fewer children made up sentences which focused on the “semantic” properties of the
target items for both post tests.
Whether the same pattern was evident within each age group and each linguistic condition
was also investigated. The distribution of responses separately by age and linguistic condition
is presented in Appendices 5.27 and 5.28 respectively. The table in Appendix 5.24 shows
that the older children provide fewer “don ,t know” responses than the younger ones for both
post tests. Furtliermore, the 4- and 5- year olds focus mainly on the “functional” properties
of the items and then on the “perceptual” properties. The 6 year-olds focus on the
“functional” properties but they also start focusing on the “semantic” properties.
The table in Appendix 5.25 shows that children from all the linguistic conditions provided
more “functional” than other properties. “Perceptual” properties were also provided less
frequently. Particularly, from the responses given, it was found that the children in the
Inference condition provided significantly more “functional” than “perceptual" (immediate:
Wilcoxon: Z= 4.1, p<.0000; Delayed: Wilcoxon: Z=3.4, p<.0005) and “semantic” properties
(Immediate: Wilcoxon: Z= 4.5, p<.0000; Delayed: Wilcoxon: Z=5.02. p<.0000).
Furthermore, they provided significantly more “functional” properties than "don’t know”
responses (Wilcoxon: Z=2.1, p<.05). In the delayed post test they provided significantly
more “perceptual” than “semantic” properties (Wilcoxon: Z=4.04, p<.0005j.