5.4.3 Between and Across tests comparisons Comparison between post-test measures for both post tests
Children’s performance across the seven post-test measurements was compared. The
responses that were counted as correct for each task were the following:
1 .Naming task: accurate naming of the target words
2. Multiple choice task: accurate pointing of the target words
3. Inference task: provision of a correct response
4. Analogy task: provision of appropriate analogy
5. Contrast task: provision of appropriate contrast
6. Definition: provision of appropriate definition
7. Sentence generation task: Provision of an appropriate sentence
Figure 5.21 presents children’s performance across tasks. As the figure shows children’s
performance varied by type of measurement (task) for both post tests. Thus, the children
performed better on the multiple choice and inference task than the other tasks. Then they
performed better on the sentence generation, definition and naming task. The worst
performance was observed on the analogy and contrast tasks.
Figure 5.21 Total number of correct responses across tasks for both post tests
I_I Immediateposttest
LJ Delayed post test
Two Friedman Two Way Anovas were carried out to explore whether the differences were
significant. The differences were found to be significant both for the immediate (X2=333.8,
df=6, p<.0000) and the delayed post test (X2=406.5, df=6, p<.0000). Post-hoc analysis
revealed that during the immediate post test the children performed significantly better on the