X2 = 190.4, df = 7, p<.0000; P2: X2 = 158.2, df = 7, p<.0000; P3: X2 = 276.5, df = 7,
p<.0000). In addition separate Wilcoxon between tasks were carried out. The significant
differences between tasks for post test 1 are presented on Diagram 7.11.
Diagram 7.11 Pattern of success across tasks during post test 1
As the above diagram shows, during post test 1 the children performed significantly better
on the multiple choice than all the other tasks. They performed significantly better on the
association task than the other tasks. In addition they performed significantly better on the
definition than the contrast, story generation and short questions (categorisation questions).
They performed significantly better on the short questions (world knowledge) naming,
contrast and story generation task than the short questions (categorisation questions) (see
Table in Appendix 7.13 for the statistical comparisons). The following diagram presents
children’s success on the tasks during post test 2.
Diagram 7.12 Pattern of success across tasks during post test 2