Appendix 5.2
Stories used in the Experiment 1
Inference condition
“Something to blow ”
Bob liked blowing whenever he had the chance; He was blowing up balloons, blowing
bubbles or blowing out candles. So, his mother decided to buy him an “abez”. The same
afternoon, Bob went to private teacher to teach him how to play music with his new “abez”.
He thought it would be nice to be member of his school’s band. Unfortunately, the next day
he got cold and cough; he was feeling weak and he couldn’t even move his hands. So he
missed his music lesson. He stayed at home, lying in bed and dreaming about magic music
lesson. However, after some days he returned to his music class and enjoyed the lesson.
“Making a feber ”
One day the children in the school decided to play the Indians. The first thing they wanted
to do was to make place they could go in, sit in and play. They thought that they should make
“feber”, but they didn’t have animal skins. So, they decided to use type of cloth that looked
like an animal skin. All of them got very excited with the idea. They spent the whole day
making the “feber”. At the end of the day they had only just finished with it. But now, it was
time to go home. All the children were very proud of what they made.
Definition condition
“What is an abez? ”
Last Sunday, George and his daddy went to concert. They enjoyed the music they listened
to. But George didn’t know one of the musical instruments, the “abez”, and asked his daddy
to tell him about it. So, his daddy told him that the “abez” is wooden orchestral instrument
that is shaped like tube and played by blowing through reed at it’s top. George stayed the
rest of the day listening to the music. He had really nice time.
“What is afeber? ”
One rainy afternoon, the teacher, brought to the children book with nice pictures in it. The