5th and 8th grade pupils’ and teachers’ perceptions of the relationships between teaching methods, classroom ethos, and positive affective attitudes towards learning mathematics in Japan


(ap. T) and new experiences in mathematics lessons (ap. T) were
perceived to promote pupils’ enjoyment in mathematics learning by inspiring their
interest and curiosity.

Some 5th grade teachers stressed ‘amusement’, for instance game-like elements as
contributing to pupils’ enjoyment in mathematics learning (ap. T). In contrast,
no 8th grade teachers mentioned this. However, 142 out of 466 8th graders (30%) stated
that they enjoyed learning mathematics when their interest and curiosity were satisfied
and they had fun. The teaching methods which 8th graders pointed out as promoting
enjoyment in mathematics learning by facilitating their interest varied between practical
activities (ap. P), doing exercises (ap. P) and listening to teachers’
explanations (ap. P). Many 8th graders were curious about learning
mathematics by teaching methods which had not been adopted in their classes so far,
such as practical activities (ap. P) and using a computer (ap. P).
Some students emphasised that fun-like elements in teaching methods helped them
enjoy learning mathematics. Many of them thought that using a computer in
mathematics classes must be fun (ap. P). They expected that learning
mathematics through computer programmes (ap. P) and practical activities
(ap. P) would provide pupils with opportunities to escape from the negative
feelings they might have formed in mathematics classes.

Thirdly, four 5th grade teachers (11%) and five 8th grade teachers (16%) believed that
catering for pupils’ individuality could promote their enjoyment in mathematics learning.
This included allowing for individual differences in learning pace, learning style
(ap. T), current levels of attainment (ap. T), and desire for individual
support (ap. T; ap. T). One 5th grade teacher mentioned that pupils
would feel valued when learning mathematics in a way in which their individuality was
considered, and that feeling valued would be linked to enjoyment (ap.5.1.25. 5th T).
Seventeen 8th graders (4%) pointed out that learning mathematics in ways which take
account of individual differences would promote their enjoyment. Most thought that
individual teaching methods could satisfy individual needs by being related to current
attainment (ap. P) and learning pace (ap. P). Some students thought
that undertaking practical activities and taking part in discussion were beneficial to meet
individual interests (ap. P).


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