Points at the water in pan and moves finger up towards the lid
Margaret: Um. The water’s bubbling
Teacher: Okay. The water’s bubbling. What can you see coming out of the, out
of the urn, saucepan here?
Points at space above the water/ makes hand flat and moves it across the
surface of the water and then up wards
Margaret: |
Um, particles are coming up and falling back in. |
Teacher: |
Okay. Particles are coming up and falling back in. Points upwards∕points downwards But what we said before was, that the reason why they were falling Points pan Hd and then downwards∕Points at pan lid Okay. So if we look at the particles up here what, urn. If we look at the If you look at how the particles are arranged up here? |
Points at the particles on the lid and repeatedly runs his finger across them
and back again
Students: |
A gas |
Teacher: |
Now, how are gas particles arranged? Are they really spread out, or |
Students: |
Really spread out |
Teacher: |
So are they really spread out here? Points at the particles on pan lid and circles them |
S2: |
I think it’s a liquid |
Teacher: |
Why ? Look at the particles Points at the particles on the pan lid |
S3: |
Yeah, I do .Condensation. |
Teacher: |
Go on |
S3: |
Condensation is a liquid, ‘cos then there’s water. |