The English Examining Boards: Their route from independence to government outsourcing agencies


Chapter 3 Locating the English Examining Boards in
Education History

Before embarking on the narrative which traces the origins and development of the
English examining boards, I believe it is important first to establish the strong strands
in the nation’s educational attitudes which have influenced the shape of that curious
constellation. I shall then be able to make reference to these factors as I proceed
without pausing to clarify their particular derivation.

Prologue on the English Educational Mindset

I have identified four dominant attitudes and what might be described as a ‘fifth
column’ influence, using a broad spectrum of supporting evidence:

• Learners as conforming to a platonic, three-level pattern - reflecting their
social class - with abstract learning as the highest level and the only valued

• Voluntarism as the preferred means of bringing about educational change;

• Inter-denominational suspicions as obstacles to change;

• Private schools as inhabiting a separate sector but with powerful influence;

• The covert but powerful influence of civil servants in the education

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