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The policy made a major impact on ’official’ theorizing
about Aborigines which, for the first time, was positive. It
was a theorizing with which the Aboriginal people could interact
and which they could appropriate. They themselves now had the
possibility of theorizing about a positive identity for Aboriginal
The Labor Party, at the national level, reflected and
interacted Withthepolicies of the South Australian Government.
In particular, South Australian legislation anticipated the policy
of self-determination that was to be put forward on the Federal
scene when a Labor Government came into power in the early
11.22 Federal Labor Party policy, 1973
The platform statement of the Labor Party , elected in 1973,
proposed legislation against all forms of discrimination and the
promotion of the rights of Aborigines with regard to social services,
land rights and health, all new policies.
Aboriginal people were to receive the standard rate of pay for
employment and the same industrial protection as other Australians,
a dramatic departure from practice.
Educational opportunities were to be provided that were in no
way inferior to those of the general community. Pre-school education
and adult education were to be provided as broadly as possible.
The philosophy underlying these programmes was that of self-
determination for the Aboriginal people, and greater autonomy in
all areas of their lives.
In one sense, such a policy was integrated into the overall
thrust of Labor policy, which was one of providing equality of
opportunity for all those in society who were disadvantaged in one
form or another.
ɪsee Appendix XVI, P∙ 5S$» ^0r the Labour Party platform.