The distinction is made, as in traditional times, between marmgu
and non-marmgu. Urban Aborigines are categorised as part-European
since they are seen to adopt the universe of meaning of Europeans.
Membership of the marrngu is based on observance of the Law, not
on skin colour, or blood.
Boundaries that are established within the group are not based
on colour. The (symbolic) boundaries erected to keep out the white
world are intended to keep out white culture which is seen as
destructive. Individual white people may be accepted and given
trust. This is particularly the case with white teachers.
A striking difference appears in the ’world’ of the urban
Aborigine where the reverse would appear to be the case. While
urban Aborigines may be partially accepted amongst whites if they
conform to the ’qualifications’ of Europeans in housing and life-
style, the evidence of discrimination and prejudice indicates that
there continues to be rejection from full participation in the white
world, on the count of skin colour alone . The history of Aboriginal
people demonstrates that they are accepted fully into white society
only by default when they have skin colour sufficiently light to
'pass’ as white so that their handicap is no longer visible and they
are in fact accepted as ’white*, not Aboriginal. Aborigines speak
sometimes bitterly of the ’acceptance’ that comes through sport, or
the acceptance of the ’token' Aborigine on committees, or the appointment
of the 'token' Aborigine in the public service ,
While the tribal people are willing to integrate those who wish
to be part of their group, whether white or part-Aboriginal, they
see the urbanised part-Europeans as a group different from themselves.
The degree of 'blood* or 'colour' neither forms a bond nor a basis
for rejection. They feel sympathy, but not identity with those who
ɪɪhis has been discussed in detail above, with reference to the
identification of urban Aborigines by non-Aborigines, p.117 ff.
2See Coe, in Tatz (ed.), 1975:109, 69, and taped interviews
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