The name is absent


12.43 Autonomy - self-direction from within V. white exploitation

The self-direction of the Strelley Mob is maintained over and

against the world of white exploitation. Ironically, the need to

counter forces of exploitation allied to the memories of persecution

served originally, and continue to serve, as a force to unify the

Aboriginal purpose.

Spokesmen appointed for the group by the government are rejected
as not being authentic representatives. Authentic representatives
come from the people themselves.

In rejecting these people appointed by a white government, the Mob
is seeking to transcend the rhetoric of self-determination in order
to exercise self-determination in reality.

An example of their attitudes is recorded in the following

On Monday 21st of April several members of the National
Aboriginal Conference visited Strelley to talk about a
treaty the government would acknowledge that marrngu
are the original owners of the land and that compensation
is due to marrngu for the loss of that land. In reply.
Don, Snowy and Jacob said that they believed the N.A.C.
did not represent the marrngu of Western Australia.

They said that it was a group of marta marta1 elected
by marta marta and working for the government. It
therefore could not negotiate for the Strelley Mob or
other tribal marrngu. The visitors did not accept this
and after some lively exchanges of view the meeting-broke
up. The NAC2 members returned to town with the DAA,5
officer who accompanied them (Mikurrunya, 23.4.80:2)

Part-Europeans, unknown to the community and not appointed
by them,were rejected as spokesmen. On the other hand, on specific
occasions the two white Principals are asked to speak for the people

1Marta marta is the designation for part-European.

2N.A.C., National Aboriginal Conference.

3Department of Aboriginal Affairs.

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