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It is from this sharing that funds are provided for the

meetings for religious ceremonies and the hospitality that goes
with this, for the plant and for maintenance costs, for food

and general running costs.

It is clear that there is a connection between economic
autonomy and political autonomy. Self-determination without
economic autonomy is a hollow notion. In this connection it has
been pointed out above that the situation of economic dependence
whether on cattle stations, missions or reserves, meant that the
Aborigines were subject to the domination of an alien culture which
in most cases set out to destroy Aboriginal culture, whether from
ideological or economic motives. Economic dependence brings also
cultural dependence.

The goal' of economic independence is seen as laying a basis
for political independence, for a return to the authority of the
elders, an authority based in the Law, an authority that feels-
confident in rejecting the advances of agents not authorised
within the Law.

Economic independence is vital to secure the possibility of
establishing again an alternative way of life. Government funds,
and mission funds are made available to promote those forms of
institutionalizedɪ behaviour which are held to be important in
the knowledge that is part of government and mission worlds.

The defining of what is to be held as knowledge is contingent
upon the power base of the dominant group. If Aborigines wish to
exercise autonomy, political independence, by establishing a
society contiguous to and not dependent on white mainstream society,
a necessary condition must be economic independence. Only with
economic independence is it possible to establish political autonomy
and have a viable alternative way of life,

ɪhe word is used here as defined by Berger, p.44 above.

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