13.3 Theorizing concerning the restoration of traditional Law
A mine of theorizing touching on the restoration of the Law
is found in the Mikurrunya newsletters. The ’important men’ stress
the importance of the Law again and again .
The strongest emphasis is placed on theorizing about the return
of authority to the older people . There is a theorizing about
the strengthening of ceremonies and rituals, areas of great import
for the indoctrination of individuals into the symbolic universe
of Strelley.-
A theorizing about the sacredness of territory is found in accounts
of the protection of the sacred sites of other tribal groups>, and
the willingness to risk arrest for offering passive resistance to
mining equipment passing their holdings on the way to Noonkanbah,.'
The solidarity with the people of Noonkanbah, in their resistance
to the invasion of the Amax mining group and the Government in 1980-
81, is based in the Law, and is a result of the theorizing of the
group. Mining is not restricted per se. The people themselves
29.10.79 Things must be done the marrngu way.
28.11.79 Marmgu are the boss - not missions or
Government who destroy the people.
6.4.81 Strength and vitality of the Law.
28.11.79 Young Marragu people must go by old people.
8.10.81 Marrngu from all North very involved in
23.4.80 Sympathy with anxiety of Noonkanbah people
over desecration of sacred sites.
2.10.79 Prevention of desecration of sacred sites
at Woodstock.
8.10.81 Return visit to tribal lands.
27. 2.81 Concern over land rights at Broome(uninitiated
people given rights).
3.10.80 Support for people of Noonkanbah who "continue
to resist their spiritual destruction".
21.8.80 Strelley people block path of mining rig.