The name is absent


As the programmes in literacy develop, success in these

programmes may possibly become the basis of teacher appointment.

This is not at all clear at this time. Such an interpretation is,

be relevant at all to the marrngu

However, should this take place, it would show an adaptation
reflecting interaction with a white definition of the role of teacher.

This is not the case at present. Typifications and roles are

constructs of the marrngu world. However, there are other areas
where the social structure of the Mob remains problematic.

/ f

Action upon the white world has resulted in some typific.ations              ι


3 I
which are capable of being integrated into the Law and thus of being             .!

safeguarded by the Law.

They are absorbed in the process of

Other elements, borrowed from the white world, are not accounted

for within the Law. There are no sanctions, no prescriptions governing

behaviour with respect to these items. Such elements must be somehow
the use of alcohol
and its (now) foreseen consequences. This element of the white
world is totally rejected.

One such element all Aborigines are aware of

Other elements however may be actively absorbed without the

people being aware of the possibility of unforeseen consequences.

. . 1 .

In practice, as has been pointed out , the notion of possessions
is embedded in the Law in terms of the sacredness of the land and
its religious implications.

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