The name is absent



well indexed by Uhagon (c∕. Bolelin de la Real Academia de
xxxv, pp. 5-167), but this ‘ I-36 ’ Salazar index
gives brief notes on some documents which appear to have
been lost in the transfer of the collection to the National

I-37, 40, and 41: EscriturasyCartasdePrivilegio. Copiesof mss.
pertaining to the Military Orders, chiefly Calatrava.

K-30and31: Rentas Reales and Real Hacienda. Seventeenth-
century mss. and prints on royal finances.

O-X3 and 15: Privilegios de Burgos. The former has a list of the
documents in the cathedral of Burgos; a valuable series,
with much on rural conditions, taxation, and land laws.

X-ι. Memoriales sobre las Yerbas de Villanueva. Discussions
(mostly early prints) of the pasturage of the Mesta’s winter

26. Sarmiento. Vol. v: Miscellaneous materials on agriculture, chiefly
eighteenth century. This collection is mostly on Galicia.

27. Sempere. Papeles Varios sobre Economfa Polftica. 8 vols. Mss.
copies compiled by the famous Spanish economist, Juan Sempere y Guarinos.
They are numbered 12-24-5, B-x24 to -131, inclusive. Am indispensable
source for any line of investigation in Spanish economics or economic his-
tory. The set contains not only many original documents, but also many
Impublished papers by their prolific compiler, with valuable notes and

28. Traggia. Vol. 19. Numbered B-153. A digest and guide, with
frequent excerpts, to the local archive of Teruel, one of the leading pasturage
towns of southern Aragon.

29. Monasteries Suprimidos, Documentos de los. A mass of materials,
parts of which are listed in No. 2.

30. Coleccifin de Privilegios, Bulas . . . de las Iglesias de Espana. Num-
bered 25-ι-C-ι to C-23 inclusive. A valuable compilation of transcripts
and lists made by royal command in the eighteenth century, in the course
of a search through the archives of the more important churches in the

31. Abella. This collection, which is Aragonese, was found useful for
local agricultural matter, especially vols, xvii, xviii, xxii, numbered B-151 ff.

32. Coleccifin de Fueros y Privilegios y Ordenanzas de varios Pueblos del
Reyno. Numbered 12-19-1/35 ff. An invaluable collection of twenty or
more volumes with slightly varying titles.

In addition to these collections, occasional references were found
in the Floranes (vols, i, xv), the Velasquez (vols, i, v, vii), and the
Salva (vols, xxxv, xxxix) manuscripts, and in other single volumes
numbered E-127, 12-19-2/36 and 2/38.

All of the above are manuscripts, unless otherwise noted.



3. The Archiva HisMrico Nacional {Madrid)

This collection, which is housed in the upper halls of the National
Library in Madrid, is, on the whole, fairly well equipped with indices
and guides. It was found to be useful for three groups of material:
documents of the Military Orders, especially that of Calatrava; data
on various monasteries; and materials on the Royal Council or Consejo

33. Calatrava. The most useful part of this rich collection was the group
of Documentos Reales which contains royal privileges to the order. For
index, see above, No. 25.

34. Beruela, Lorenzana, Guadalupe, and Ona (monasteries). Docu-
mentes Reales: these royal privileges are in the tumbos or collections of
parchments of these monasteries. The ones used in the present study are
mostly of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, and deal with pasturage

35. Consejo Real. A collection of some 2000 bundles of documents,
mostly of the eighteenth century, dealing with the business of the Royal
Council. Because of the position of the President of the Mesta as senior
member of that council, many of its deliberations were taken up with the
affairs of the sheep owners. The Iegajos (bundles) which were most fre-
quently consulted were nos. 48, 227, 434, 752, 817, 819, 877, and 1446, and,
in the Sala de Gobierno (a division of the same), nos. 252, 338, 341, 345, 348,
371> 413, 43d∙

4. The Biblioleca Nacional {Madrid}: Sala de Manuscrites

Very few documents were found on the Mesta in this collection,
which has been indexed in Bartolomé José Gallardo,
Ensayo de una
BMioteca Espanola
(Madrid, 1863-89, 4 vols). There is only one
which deals specifically with the subject (No. 36, below), but several
others touch upon it incidentally.

36. Memorial al Rey D. Felipe III sobre la conservaci6n de . . . la
Mesta . . . 1619. 6 pp. A memorial to the crown to save the Mesta
from the ravages of the reformers of that period. Ms. H-252, pp. 250 ff.

37. Privilegio de Jayme I a la Casa de Ganaderos. Charter of that body
of Saragossa, 12r8. Ms. 8702. Another ms. on same: Ms. 10332.

38. Relaci6n de Io que han informado Ios Corregidores . . . de la Ia-
branza y crianza. Discussion of rural conditions by agents of the crown, end
of the sixteenth century. Ms. 9372.

39. Ordenanzas de Toledo sobre el Ganado vacuno . . . ovejuno. Re-
ports on sheep and cattle in Toledo, 1395-1454. Ms. 13080.

40. Hermandad vieja de Toledo — Confirmacion para . . . Ios gana-
deros . . . Documents regarding the taxation of sheep, 1338 ff. Ms.

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