of the district, and another, perhaps, in the middle of
the village territory, but in an opposite direction, has all
the difficulty to contend with that two fields at three-
quarters of a mile from each other present, without the
compensation derived from others lying nearer to the
homestead. The disadvantage attending distance even
on large estates has been pointed out and made matter
of scientific calculation by M. de Thiinen, whose name
is known to English readers from his valuable contribu-
tions to Mr. Jacob’s reports. The German governments
have of late years taken up the matter, and seek to pro-
mote what are called consolidations by means of ex-
changes, so as to bring the scattered land as much as
possible into estates lying within a ring fence. They
meet with great difficulty from the dislike the peasant
shows to part with land that he has long held, and the
inconvenience attaching to which has been softened by
the bonus given to him in the manner described a few
pages back. The most effectual pressure that can now
be administered, will spring from the prosperity of trade
and manufactures.
With the old subdivision of property, the old agricul-
tural implements have in a great measure been retained.
We have observed why on the highlands the dung of
cows and oxen is preferred to horse-dung. The prefer-
ence is however carried farther than situation will justify,
and in the plain between Jiilich and Cologne cows and
oxen may be seen yoked to the plough, where the work
as well as the dung of horses would unquestionably be
more advantageous to the farm. Ploughing with oxen
entails the necessity of wheels, and in a country where
iron is not abundant the whole apparatus is likely to be
ofclumsyform. Theploughin use in the countries of
Cleves and Jiilich most resembles the Kentish turn-
wrestplough, but is heavier in construction. The mould
board is fastened at the back by a chain which hangs on
at either side, and in front it hooks on to a piece of
iron that connects the share with the beam. A wooden
support joining the sole to the beam, adds to the clumsi-
ness of this plough, near which, however, we have seen
a somewhat improved plough in use, to which a paring-
share is occasionally affixed.
A more singularly formed plough is still in use in the
neighbourhood of Bonn. This plough is called in Ger-
many “ Hundspflug,” or “ dogs’-plough,” for what reason
we could not learn, although some are desirous of con-
necting it with the invasion of Attila’s IIuns. It. is
indeed an antiquarian curiosity. This instrument is
much lighter than the others ; its long curved beam
rests on an elevated cross-bar over the wheels. Its
sole is not above a foot in length by one inch in breadth,
and runs out from the lower end of the beam. The
share is long and light, running from a higher point
in the beam to the point of the sole, beyond which it
projects sometimes in a straight line, and occasionally
of serpentine shape. The mould-board is moveable, and
hangs into a socket on each side of the beam and sole.
For surface ploughing and drilling, we have heard the
working of this plough praised, but it was acknowledged
not to be serviceable in deep ploughing or in breaking
up clover leys.
That the use of these heavy or inefficient instruments
in a moderately light soil, such as is found in Jülich and
Cleves, is not confined to the peasants who constantly
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