himself justified by,—namely, a delegated, subordinate, arbitrary power. So far was that
great prince from permitting this gross, violent, intermediate arbitrary power, that I will
venture to say the chief thing by which he has recommended himself to posterity was a
most direct declaration of all the wrath and indignation of the supreme government against
it. But here is the book. It contains the institutes of the founder of the Mogul empire, left as
a sacred legacy to his posterity, as a rule for their conduct, and as a means of preserving
their power.
"Be it known to my fortunate sons, the conquerors of kingdoms, to my mighty descendants,
the lords of the earth, that, since I have hope in Almighty God that many of my children,
descendants, and posterity shall sit upon the throne of power and regal authority, upon this
account, having established laws and regulations for the well governing of my dominions, I
have collected together those regulations and laws as a model for others, to the end that,
every one of my children, descendants, and posterity acting agreeably thereto, my power
and empire, which I acquired through hardships and difficulties and perils and bloodshed,
by the Divine favor, and by the influence of the holy religion of Mahomet, (God's peace be
up on him!) and with the assistance of the powerful descendants and illustrious followers of
that prophet, may be by them preserved. And let them make these regulations the rule of
their conduct in the affairs of their empire, that the fortune and the power which shall
descend from me to them may be safe from discord and dissolution.
"Now, therefore, be it known to my sons, the fortunate and the illustrious, to my
descendants, the mighty subduers of kingdoms, that, in like manner as I by twelve maxims,
which I established as the rule of my conduct, attained to regal dignity, and with the