The name is absent



[book I.

gylds were gathered into a Hundred. The remark-
able document known as uJudicia Civitatis Londi-
nensis ” gives the following detailed account of the
whole proceeding :

“ This is the ordinance which the bishops and
the reeves belonging to London have ordained, and
confirmed with pledges, among our fri,δgylds, as
well eorlish as ceorlish, in addition to the dooms
which were fixed at Greatley, at Exeter, and at

“ Resolved : That we count every ten men to-
gether, and the chief one to direct the nine in each
of those duties which we have all ordained, and
afterwards the hyndens of them together, and one
hynden-man who shall admonish the ten for our
common benefit; and let these eleven hold the
money of the hynden, and decide what they shall
disburse, when aught is to pay, and what they shall
receive, should money accrue to us at our common

“ That we gather to us once in every month, if
we can and have leisure, the hynden-men and those
who direct the tithings, as well with butt-filling, or
as else may please us, and know what of our agree-
ment has been executed. And let these twelve men2
have their refection together, and feed themselves
as they themselves think right, and deal the remains
of the meat for love of God3.”

ɪ √Eδelst. v. 3, § 1. Thorpe, i. 230.

a The MS. reads xii, twelve, but it seems almost certain that we
ought to understand eleven, that is one man for each tithing and one
for the hundred or hynden. s √E<5elst. v. 8. § 1. Thorpe, i. 23G.

сн. IX.]



Now as this valuable record mentions also terri-
torial tithings, containing different amounts of po-
pulation1, it seems to me to furnish important con-i
firmation of the conclusion that the gegyldan of Ini
and Ælfred, the members of the London tithings
or fri⅞>gylds of ten, and the York
tenmantale, are
in truth identical. And it is further in favour of
this view that the citizens called the members of
such gildships, gegyldan 2 :—

“And we have also ordained, respecting every
man who has given his pledge in our gyldships,
that, should he die, each gyld-brother (gegylda)
shall give a gesufel-loaf for his soul, and sing a
fifty (psalms), or cause the same to be sung within
XXX days.”

Upon a review of the preceding passages it may
be inferred that the hynden consisted of ten tithings,
and consequently answered to what we more com-
monly call a hundred : it may perhaps be suggested
that, if any distinction existed between these two
terms, ιthe hynden represented the numerical, the
hundred the territorial division. But their origi-
nal identity may be argued from an important pas-
sage in the law of Ini. He ordains3 : “ He that is

‘ “ Swa of anre teo^δung tiær mare folc sig.” Thorpe, i. 2∙32.

a “ And we ewædon eac be æleum ,δara manna ‰ on drum gegyld-
βcipμm his wed geseald hæfft, gif him for'δsi'δ gebyrige, ‰t æle gegylda
gesylle ænne gesufelne hlaf for tsærθ sawle, and gesinge an fiftig, OlStSe
begite gesungen binnan xxx nihtan.” ÆiSelst. v. 8. § 6. Thorpe, i. 236∙

3 “ SetSe bits werfæhtSe betogen, and he onsacan wille tSæs sieges mid
a‰, tSonne sceal beon on <5ιere hyndenne an CyningatS be xxx hfda,
swa be gesftScund men swa be ceorliscum, swâ hwm‰r sws hit sy.”
Ini. § ∙54. Thorpe, i. 136. Upon this passage the late Mr. Price had the
following note, which is interesting, though I cannot agree with his

R 2

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