Education Research Gender, Education and Development - A Partially Annotated and Selective Bibliography

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1. The name is absent
2. Retirement and the Poverty of the Elderly in Portugal
4. The name is absent
5. On the Relation between Robust and Bayesian Decision Making
6. Estimation of marginal abatement costs for undesirable outputs in India's power generation sector: An output distance function approach.
7. El Mercosur y la integración económica global
8. Infrastructure Investment in Network Industries: The Role of Incentive Regulation and Regulatory Independence
9. The name is absent
10. On the estimation of hospital cost: the approach
11. Spatial patterns in intermunicipal Danish commuting
12. The name is absent
13. Elicited bid functions in (a)symmetric first-price auctions
14. Fiscal Reform and Monetary Union in West Africa
15. Special and Differential Treatment in the WTO Agricultural Negotiations
16. The name is absent
17. Design and investigation of scalable multicast recursive protocols for wired and wireless ad hoc networks
18. Assessing Economic Complexity with Input-Output Based Measures
19. Before and After the Hartz Reforms: The Performance of Active Labour Market Policy in Germany
20. The Interest Rate-Exchange Rate Link in the Mexican Float