Education Research Gender, Education and Development - A Partially Annotated and Selective Bibliography

BARBIERI, M Teresita de (1972)

Acceso de la Mujer a las Carreras y
Ocupaciones Tecnologicas de Nivel Medio,
UNESCO, Santiago, Chile.

BOYLE, Catherine M (1993)

Touching the Air: The Cultural Force of
Women in Chile, in: RADCLIFFE, Sarah A
and WESTWOOD, Sallie (eds)
Women and Popular Protest in Latin
Routledge, London.), 156-172.

Centro de estudios de la
MUJER, (1988)

Mundo de la Mujer: Continuidad y
Santiago, Chile.


Transformation of the Female Labour
Force in the Context of Peripherial
PhD Thesis, London, School of
Economics University of London.

KIRKWOOD, Julieta (1983)

Women and Politics in Chile, in:

International Social Science Journal, 35, 4,

MILLER, Karen (1984)

The Effects of Industrialisation on Men's
Attitudes Towards the Extended Family and
Women's Right: A Cross-National Study, in:
Journal of Marriage and the Family, 46,
1,153-160 (Argentina and Chile)

Gender and Education

Schiefelbein, e farrel, j.p. (ipso)

Women, Schooling and Work in Chile:
Evidence from a Longitudinal Study, in:
Comparative Education Review, 24, 2,

UNESCO, (1975)

Women, Education, Equality: a Decade
of Experiment
(Burkina Faso, Chile and

VALDES, X. (1992)

The Women's Rural School: An
Empowering Educational Experience,
Women and
Education in Latin America,
Knowledge, Power and Change, Lynne
Rienner, London, 277-302.

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16. The name is absent
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