Education Research Gender, Education and Development - A Partially Annotated and Selective Bibliography

Gwendolyn Spencer (1986)

'The Changing Status of Women in Cameroon:
An Overview' in
Western Journal of Black
10 (4), 195-204.

BRYSON, Judy C. (1979)

Women and Economic Development in
Agency for International
Development, Washington D. C.

KOLOKO, Marie-Yvette (1990)

La Décennie des Nations Unies Pour la
Femme et la Condition de la Femme
Camerounaise: Aspects Politique,
Économique et Sociale,
Thèse de Doctorat de
3 e Cycle en Relations Internationales,
Université de Yaoundé.

KOSACK, G. (1995)

Christianization - A Step towards
Emancipation: The Significance of Religion
for Mafa Women (Northern Cameroon)' in
Anthropos, 90 (1-3), 206-217.

MOPE SIMO, J.A. (1991)

Gender, Agro-Pastoral Production and
Class formation in Bamunka, North-
Western Cameroon,
Unpublished Ph.D.
Thesis, University of East Anglia, United

NDONGKO, Theresa (1976)

'Tradition and the Role of Women in Africa' in

Présence Africaine, 99-100,143-154.

NGWAFOR, e. (1991)

'Cameroon - Property Rights for Women- A
Bold Step in the Wrong Direction' in
of Family Law,
29 (2), 297-302.

OFUNC (1982)

Intégration de la Femme Camerounaise
Dans le Processus de Développement
OFUNC, Yaoundé.

SANTEN, Jose C. M. V. (1993)

They Leave their Jars Behind, the
Conversion of Mafa Women to Islam
(Northern Cameroon),
Centrum Voor en
Autonomie, Leiden.

STERNER, J. & DAVID, N. (1991)

'Gender and Caste in the Mandara Highlands -
Northeastern Nigeria and Northern Cameroon'
Ethnology, 30 (4), 355-369.

Gender and Education

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