Education Research Gender, Education and Development - A Partially Annotated and Selective Bibliography

PALA, Achola (et al.) (eds.) (1983)

The Participation of Women in
Kenyan Society,
Kenya Literature
Bureau, Nairobi.

PRESLEY, Cora Ann (1992)

Kikuyu Women, the 'Mau-Mau'
Rebellion and Social Change in
Westview Press, Oxford.

ROMERO, P.W. (1987)

'Possible sources of the Origin of
Gold as an Economic and Social
Vehicle for Women in Lamu
(Kenya)' in
Africa, 57 (3), 364-376.

SLAYTER, Barbara P. Thomas &
ROCHELEAU, Dianne (1995)

Gender, Environment and
Development in Kenya: A
Grassroots Perspective,

STAMP, P. (1991)

'Burying Otieno - The Politics of
Gender and Ethnicity in Kenya' in
Signs, 16 (4), 808-845.

STROBEL, Margaret (1979)

Muslim Women in Mombasa, 1890-
Yale University Press, New

Thomasslayter, b. p. (1992)

'Politics, Class and Gender in
African Resource Management- The
Case of Rural Kenya' in

Development and Cultural

Change, 40 (4), 809-828.


Kenya: The Role of Women in
Economic Development,
Bank, Washington D.C.

Gender and Education

CHEYO, Evelyn M. (1993)

Girls' Access, Performance and
Achievement in Secondary Education: A
Comparative Study of Tanzania, Kenya
and Botswana,
M.A. Dissertation, Institute
of Education, University of London.

DAVISON, J. (1993)

'School Attainment and Gender: Attitudes of
Kenyan and Malawian Parents Towards
Educating Girls' in
International Journal
of Educational Development,
13 (4), 331-

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